
Selamat Hari Merdeka everyone!

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Time flies. It seems like just yesterday that we ushered in the New Year and soon, we will leave the month of August behind.

This month and next, let us do more than raise our flags in celebration of Merdeka Day and Malaysia Day. Let us take this time to reflect and make a conscious effort to appreciate each other despite our differences. Love and respect each other as if race and religion doesn’t divide us so that we can all be shining examples for our children.

At Tuition and Language Labz, all students, young or old, are treated equally despite their background and ability. Everyone is treated with respect. At the same time, our students are constantly reminded to treat each other as their own, that it is our diversity that makes us unique. We may look and speak different but we are essentially the same.

With that, I wish you all a joyous Merdeka Day and Malaysia Day! Let us continue to uphold each other. Do not let the gloom of the Covid-19 pandemic break your spirit. Stay safe.

Yours sincerely,

Evelyn Chen

Director of Education,

Bonanza Educare